Other Boards
TimBuild CSB in Springs, has the widest variety of boards, covering a whole range of sizes and applications. We have the perfect board for your application and requirements.
All Chipboards
Fine chips of wood are compressed with glue to give you an economical board perfect for partitioning, cupboard interiors and upholstery.
All Chipboards
Standard Sizes
9 x 6 = 2750 mm x 1830 mm
16 mm
Please check availability of thicknesses
Nutec Boards
Nutec board is a fibre cement board great for exterior use. Often used in soffits or for the construction of beach houses. It has good insulating properties and is very heat resistant. It comes with a lovely wood grain finish giving your house a beautiful look and feel.
Nutec Boards
Standard Sizes
2700 x 900mm
2700 x 1200mm
3000 x 9000mm
3000 x 1200mm
3600 x 900mm
3600 x 1200mm
Please check availability of thicknesses
Got any questions or need a quote?
Whether it is a big or small project, our team is available to assist you with any questions or advice you may have.
Cutting List
Download our cutting list sheet, complete it with your board requirements, send to us and we will email you the quote and estimated delivery date (based on acceptance).